Cleveland School Shooting – Mental illness mismanagement

October 12, 2007 at 12:57 am (Opinions) (, , , , )

Yesterday (October 10th, 2007) there was a shooting at a Cleveland School called “SuccessTech”.  This school is located in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

It has been reported that the shooter, Asa Coon, was none to have been mentally disturbed.  His official record shows that he was locked up in Juvenal Hall twice for domestic violence.  This violence was committed on  his part against his mother.  Also, he was hospitalized at a Psychiatric Hospital as well, where he threatened to commit suicide.  He also refused to take psychotropic medication that he was prescribed.  It was clear and documented that he was mentally disturbed.  Yet Cleveland Schools continued to allow him to attend school as if he did not have a mental condition.  Also, the Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Health allowed him to live at home in the community.

At one time those who were or could be dangerous to themselves or others due to mental illness were kept in a safe place until they became well.  These facilities were known as State Mental Hospitals.  These facilities would keep someone as a resident and give them treatment and a safe place to live.  Not only would they protect the patient, but they also protect the community at large from things the patient might do as a result of their illness.  However, the states have since abandoned these facilities and no longer provide adequate care for these patients.  Instead, now they are sent to freely live in the community with a prescription for some medication that a doctor suggested that they take on a regular basis.  No supervision, active treatment, etc.  We wonder why things like school shootings, bizarre murders, etc occur.  Yet we forget that there are seriously mentally ill people living among us who are not being treated.  There is no longer a place that will force them to get the help that they are needing and look after their well being. Read the rest of this entry »

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