Uncensored Google data in Mainland China

March 25, 2010 at 10:40 am (Opinions, Technology News) (, )

I’ve been following the political wrangling between Mainland China and Google since the first hacking episode was announced, back on January 12th.

Now, Google has announced that they have effectively removed all censorship from it services in Mainland China.  To top it off, they have done it in a totally legal way.  The article explains that they they have instituted a redirect.  Essentially, google.cn now redirects to google.com.hk.  The site google.com.hk does not censor it’s data.  The language in use is Simplified Chinese.  It sounds like Google is concerned that the Chinese government might simply block access to google.cn.  Therefore, they have created a web page that reports on the status of Google services in Mainland China. I plan to keep an eye on it regularly and see what move the Chinese government takes next.

I’m glad to see that Google has finally decided to not play along with government imposed censorship.  Freedom comes with knowledge!

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