Script to display OpenVPN status

September 27, 2007 at 9:24 pm (Technology) (, , , , )

Well, I won’t claim it’s pretty or the most efficiently written script ever made….

However, I had a problem. OpenVPN, when it is run in daemon mode, do not give you any easy was to check who is currently logged into the VPN or what the internal routes are, etc. I learned from reading the man page, that you can cause the daemon to output status if you send a SIGUSR2 to the process. Now, if OpenVPN is not running as a daemon, it will send the status to stdout; if it IS running as a daemon, it is sent to syslog.

So, you can tail your /var/log/messages and read the stats. But that’s kinda clunky and certainly not easy for people with weak shell skills. Some people who help admin my OpenVPN server are not shell savvy, so I wanted to make a utility you could use to easy display the current stats.

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